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Jobs for Fitness Professionals Are Up for Grabs: The Fitness Industry Seeks Talent Despite the Lockdown

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Jobs for Fitness Professionals Are Up for Grabs: The Fitness Industry Seeks Talent Despite the Lockdown

May 20, 2020

Going from “Doom” to Boom

There were questions regarding the fitness industry: Will there be jobs for fitness professionals? Over the past weeks, we’ve received requests to send nutritionists and personal trainers to represent the most reputed names in the fitness industry. We’re not sure about the rest. Right now, the fitness industry is actively hiring.

The Question of Fitness Is on Everyone’s Minds

COVID-19 has got everybody thinking about improving their personal health—Google suggestions agree! Everyone’s looking for ways to work out at home. Why? It’s because exercise and correct nutrition boost immunity. They train the body to be prepared in the fight against harmful microbes like bacteria and the coronavirus we’ve all come to know.

Personal trainers are helping their clients work out at home, and nutritionists are consulting their clients through videoconferencing. There is a need-gap that needs to be filled, and fitness professionals are filling it as best as they can.

Fitness is not a luxury right now. It’s not just to look good or fit into clothes. It’s about being strong from the inside out.

Fitness is now a need: there is a need to be healthy to live well during the lockdown and after it. That’s why the fitness industry continues to hire. That’s why the fitness industry will keep on hiring. The more the focus on personal health, the more the demand for fitness professionals.

How’s The Demand So Far? Are There Jobs for Fitness Professionals?

We’ll sum it up in four words: the demand is high. Every fitness professional who’s using technology to train is seeing a growth in the number of clients. We’ve talked about this in our previous post. But the takeaway is hard to miss: the lockdown is spreading awareness about the need to be fit. It’s no surprise to see the numbers growing for fitness professionals who’re connecting virtually.

This demand will carry over beyond the lockdown, even when we’re allowed to enter gyms (with new safety rules). Some of the most accomplished fitness professionals spoke with The Hindu. They agree that the fitness industry is going to experience another boom.

Life After Lockdown: There’ll Be More Jobs For Fitness Professionals

Everyone, including us, will want to be fitter and healthier than we are today. The lockdown has restricted our movements and limited our options, but it’s taught us the importance of exercising regularly and eating healthily. This means many of us will invest in physical wellbeing. The top names in the industry know this too.

The lockdown is teaching us a valuable life lesson: health is wealth.

That’s why HEALTHSPAN,, HaloMi Fitness, and Anytime Fitness are here to hire our students. The predictions are coming true.

Hiring Despite the Lockdown:

Jobs for fitness professionals: an image showing the name of the recruiter from the fitness industry

In 2016, started with its first center in Bangalore, India. Now, has centers in more than 130 locations (national and international): Mumbai, Delhi, Dubai, and Hyderabad. Stating that it’s a successful brand would be an understatement, right? Now, they’re hiring digital freelance personal trainers to adjust to the new way of working out.

Hiring Despite the Lockdown: Anytime Fitness

Jobs for fitness professionals: an image showing the name of the recruiter from the fitness industry

Anytime Fitness has been around since 2002. Right now, Anytime Fitness has history to prove its worth in the fitness industry. Anytime Fitness had one gym in 2002. Now it has over 4,200 gyms in more than 32 countries. In India, Anytime Fitness has nearly touched 100 gyms. Needless to say, these gyms need certified fitness professionals to help clients reach their fitness goals.

No Slowdown in Hiring: Our Students Became Business Owners, and They’ve Got Jobs for Fitness Professionals Too

Jobs for fitness professionals: an image showing the name of the recruiter from the fitness industry

Shruti Jahagirdar is the proud founder of HaloMi Fitness. Her personal journey with fitness has been inspiring, and that’s exactly what she wants to do: inspire others to reach their fitness goals. She’s searching for like-minded fitness professionals who’re driven by their desire to adding value to their clients’ lives in this challenging period of time.

Jobs for fitness professionals: an image showing the name of the recruiter from the fitness industry

Life span should equal health span, that is, you should be healthy for as long as you live: that’s what HEALTHSPAN believes. During this period of lockdown, that’s triply true. Now, HEALTHSPAN is here to hire with Omkar Chincholkar leading the charge.

HEALTHSPAN is an agency that provides consultations for personal training– and nutrition-related services. Right now, it’s actively seeking certified nutritionists and personal trainers to help its clients stay fit during and after the lockdown.


Rahul Chitrakar: K11 School of Fitness Sciences

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