Coat of Arms


Coat of Arms

Symbolising the Three Pillars of Our Education System

Every prestigious educational institution has a coat of arms, a shield that embodies its core philosophy. At K11 School of Fitness Sciences, our coat of arms represents the three foundational pillars laid down by our founder, Kaizzad Farrokh Capadia: Curiosity, Knowledge, and Application.

  • Curiosity:
    The driving force behind learning. Curiosity fuels the desire to seek knowledge, pushing students to explore deeper and ask questions that lead to greater understanding.
  • Knowledge:
    Knowledge is acquired through curiosity, but it’s only potential power. True power comes from the next pillar—Application. Knowledge remains dormant until it is applied.
  • Application:
    This is where learning becomes real. By applying knowledge in practical scenarios, students unlock the true potential of their education. At K11, we believe that education is complete only when theory translates into practice.

Together, these three pillars—Curiosity, Knowledge, and Application—define the K11 educational philosophy and guide everything we do.



Kaizzad Farrokh Capadia
K11 School of Fitness Sciences

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