Recognitions, Partnerships, Quality Assurance & Affiliations

Recognitions, Partnerships,
Quality Assurance & Affiliations

Accredited By: PD: Approval, UK

ICREPs: Setting Global Standards for Exercise Professionals

ICREPs, the International Confederation of Registers of Exercise Professionals, is a global partnership that brings together national registration bodies for exercise professionals. This collaboration plays a vital role in upholding high standards for exercise professionals worldwide.

Through recognized national registers like REPS India, ICREPs ensures that exercise professionals possess the necessary qualifications for their roles in health and fitness. These qualifications are benchmarked against the globally recognized "ICREPs Global Standards."

The ICREPs Global Standards outline the essential skills, knowledge, and competence required to excel as an exercise professional. These standards serve as a guide for training providers and educational institutions to develop courses that meet the international benchmarks.

To ensure compliance with these high standards, ICREPs appoints independent, external quality assurance bodies to audit training providers and educational institutions. In our case, PD: Approval, a UK-based organization, has been appointed by ICREPs to fulfil this crucial role.

With ICREPs and its global standards, exercise professionals can be confident in their qualifications and the quality of education they receive. This commitment to excellence elevates the standards of the fitness industry and ensures the best possible outcomes for both professionals and their clients.

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Approval, UK, ensuring that our Diploma in Personal Training Course curriculum meets the globally recognized standards set by ICREPs.

Outstanding Grade:

(What Does It Mean?)

The Outstanding Grade was conferred in 2019 for our Diploma in Personal Training Course, and K11 has consistently maintained it every year since then.

Centre of Excellence:

(What Does It Mean?)

In 2020, K11 was bestowed with the esteemed recognition as a Centre of Excellence, a status proudly upheld yearly.

Internationally Recognised By

Register for Exercise Professionals, India Foundation (REPS India)

Our accreditation by PD: Approval grants recognition to the K11 School of Fitness Sciences from the Register for Exercise Professionals, India Foundation (REPS India). REPS India Membership signifies that our exercise professionals have received education from an approved and accredited Training Provider/School/Academy/Institute that meets international standards set by ICREPs.

REPS India has portability agreements with national Registers for Exercise Professionals (REPs) of other countries affiliated with iCREPs, expanding our global reach.

Every K11 student who successfully completes all assessments of any Personal Training Course conducted by the K11 Assessment Department becomes a member of REPS India for the first year after course completion.

Approved Training Partners:

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)

As an approved training partner with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), we are dedicated to developing skilled human resources in the fitness industry. Through this partnership, we aim to generate more than 55,000 skilled workers in the fitness industry by 2028.

Affiliated With

Sports, Physical Education, Fitness and Leisure Skills Council (SPEFL-SC)

We are proud to be affiliated with SPEFL-SC, a Not-for-Profit organization formed by the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), with the support of the National Skill Development Corporation and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI).

At K11 School of Fitness Sciences, we believe in providing education that is aligned with industry standards. Our curriculum is designed to meet the National Occupational Standards (NOS) set by the Sports, Physical Education, Fitness, and Leisure Skills Council (SPEFL-SC), which operates under the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). We are proud to have received the “affiliate” status from SPEFL-SC, validating the quality and relevance of our courses.

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